Coding for cricket score board system
Coding for cricket score board system

coding for cricket score board system

Lowest error in the prediction over best 35 matches and hence points obtained.The factors in deciding the overall winner of the IIT Madras Cricket Hackathon 2023 will be: The leaderboard will display the winners of the day and winners based on cumulative points accrued.Every day, the results of the match of the previous day will be released.The points won by the participant will depend on how close the score predicted by the code matches the actual score. After the match is over everyday, IITM BS team will prepare the input file for each of the innings in the format shared on the website and execute the participant’s latest code against it.More details will be shared with registered participants. The participant should submit the code through their login on the site.

coding for cricket score board system

The cut-off time for updated submissions is 12:30 PM (IST) for a 3:30 match and 4:30 PM (IST) for a 7:30 match.During the competition, the teams can update and resubmit their code to improve their predictions at regular intervals.Each team will submit the code and a writeup of the logic/algorithm used, along with the score predicted by the code (when run on their local system prior to the match).

coding for cricket score board system

Actual dates will be intimated to participants soon. The actual contest will be run for best 35 matches T20 cricket matches (70 innings) between 15 April and 21 May.

Coding for cricket score board system