10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch
10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch

Subtractive synthesis is the usual starting point for those new to synth programming. What is analogue synthesis? The ultimate beginner's guide What happens when you discover a patch that is almost perfect but needs a little reshaping to work with your project? It’s moments like these when it’s invaluable to have a grasp of what makes a synth patch sound the way it does – how changing an oscillator type can alter the timbre of a sound, how to set an envelope to change a stab into a pad, or how effect types can drastically change the style of a sound. Sure, your favourite synth might come stocked with a wealth of usable and inspiring sounds, but even the most generous library is never going to tick every box for every track you’ll ever work on. More significantly though, understanding the core principles of how classic sounds come together can be of significant use even to those who rely largely on presets.

10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch

For one thing, with the resurgence of cheap analogue gear, we’ve seen a rise in synths that forego the inclusion of presets entirely, which can present a challenge for anyone not familiar with building a patch from scratch. There are, however, considerable benefits to knowing how to build your own synth sounds from scratch.

10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch